response to jeremiah: my media consumption diet

From Jeremiah:

“I’m hoping to start this meme, that others will join in and share their media consumption diet, in hopes, that we’ll start to learn how they get information or be entertained. I’ve sort of mixed up mediums, and media types, but after some thought, that’s the best way to organize it.”

So here is my personal diet:

1. Blogs
2. Facebook/Hotmail
3. Music (at home, CDs)
4. Google News/Wiki News/YouTube/Mainstream online news

While at work, add to that IM (Trillian) and email (Thunderbird).

I almost never watch TV, rarely watch movies, and rarely pick up a magazine.

7 Responses to “response to jeremiah: my media consumption diet”

  1. 1 Jeremiah Owyang February 22, 2007 at 10:05 am

    Thanks for sharing, we’re very similar.

  2. 2 Linda March 1, 2007 at 7:55 am

    As a person in my fifties, I’ll bet mine is a bit different. Perhaps more offline than online.

    1) Ezines I subscribe to. I get about 10-15 each month. My time is well taken with many activities so generally if I know I won’t get time, I delete it the day it comes in. I probably scan about 1/2 of them and read an article from 1/4th.

    2) Magazines. In order to be a well-rounded business person I think you need to read a variety of things. I like the feel of a book or magazine in my hand and the ability to read when not sitting at my computer, so print media is a regular part of my media diet. My fields are training and banking so besides three professional journals in those fields, I read some each month from Scientific American, National Geographic, Newsweek, Health, American Heritage, and Journey. I also read The Economist out of Great Britain which is really more a newsweekly but has an international point of view.

    3) Radio. I listen to National Public Radio whenever I am in the car and often an additional once or twice during the week. It helps me keep up on national and international events.

    4) Some blogs…starting with Brian’s and branching out based on what he is interested in. I find it is one of the best ways to learn about SEO and blogging in bite-size pieces.

    I do not watch television at all. Too much of a lot of things I do not want to take my mind-time for…commercials, violence, negativity. If they can’t find a gruesome murder near where I live they’ll find one somewhere else to focus on…over and over and over.

  3. 3 Bakelite Gal February 1, 2008 at 4:37 pm

    My personal diet is similar but in a different order:

    1. Music
    2. Google News/Wiki News/YouTube etc
    3. Blogs
    4. Facebook/Hotmail

    Very little TV, some movies, a few magazines.



  1. 1 Web Strategy by Jeremiah » The Modern Media Diet avoids Advertising? Trackback on February 23, 2007 at 4:52 am
  2. 2 David Thulin» Blog Archive » My media production; predictions for 2007 Trackback on February 28, 2007 at 12:49 pm
  3. 3 my media production; response to david thulin « All For You Trackback on February 28, 2007 at 1:24 pm
  4. 4 Media Consumption Diet | Conversational Media Group Blog Trackback on February 28, 2007 at 4:32 pm

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